Team Coaching

My specialism is focussed on the underlying dynamics in a team – what’s beneath the surface?

Often, team members haven’t consciously chosen to work with each other, and yet this is precisely what they are asked to do. Different personalities, backgrounds, experiences, ideas, and ways of doing things often get in the way of performing together effectively. When team members aren’t skilled in dealing with differences, in navigating conflict, in listening to understand (versus respond), in expressing concerns and giving feedback in an open and constructive way……then a lot of unsaid thoughts and feelings go underground, unaddressed. This can result in a gossip culture, members not feeling ‘safe’ to express themselves and ultimately a team that does optimally perform.

I help team members tap into the emotional undercurrents and wisdom of their team, guiding them to express what has been unexpressed, supporting them to explore their underlying working relationships with each other and to learn new tools of communicating openly and honestly in a way that they can be heard.

If you are interested in exploring if my approach to team coaching is for you, please get in touch.